Bloomsnano founder Dr Sündüs Tewfik became seriously ill in 2017 and by 2019 she could no longer continue in her much loved role as a science researcher and academic. During her illness she has experienced first-hand day to day difficulties and inequalities suffered by people with disorders and disabilities. There was learned/accepted helplessness. She has noticed how many people with disabilities, disorders voluntarily locked themselves up in homes, care centres and hospitals. Most of these people suffered group of disorders rather than just one illness. Someone who has neurological disorder could also suffer from irritable bowel as well as irritable bladder syndrome, if you add food allergies, migraines, and mobility issues they live like prisoners. Diagnostics of some of the disorders are complex and have interconnected symptoms. Treatments plagued with interacting medication and food. If only they could learn to live with it. Focus being on ‘live’; they could be taught to manage their condition and as a result they could do more with their lives. Dr Tewfik founded Bloomsnano for the purpose of contributing towards four [4] pillars of a sustainable-sensitive quality life for all: Lifestyle; Diagnosis; Functional Food; Medicine.


Dr Sundus Tewfik starts her long journey into Pharmacognosy research in Elazig

Dr Tewfik achieved her ‘State Registration’ in UK in 1998 at St. Mary’s Hospital, Paddington London as a Biomedical Scientists. She has 20 years of broad-spectrum biomedical laboratory experience. She has worked in pathology laboratories as a biomedical scientist employing her multidisciplinary technical abilities in Microbiology, Cytogenetics, Cytology and Histopathology departments.

Dr Tewfik has developed conceptual framework for scientific analysis guided small holding production of medicinal and aromatic plants during Highgrove Project (Factors effecting quality control and quality assurance of herbal products technical report 2001)

Dr Tewfik have developed a working protocol for natural product analysis, PhD award for her work into Anacyclus Pyrethrum,

Dr Tewfik has been contributing to the future of pharmaceutics with advanced drug delivery systems as well as her research in use of “biologically active” plant  components and Nanomolecules in health and disease management.

Plant Tincture analysis and Silybum Marianum research

As part of the supervisory team on Tailored Functional Recipes (TFR) for HIV and

TFR for Cancer Dr Tewfik has help prove; how a food product put together user

in mind with high quality ingredients can improve the quality of life for the

sufferers of communicable and non communicable disease

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Bloomsnano Ltd is established in London 

For more information on Our Business, please visit our About us section.

For more information on Our Business, please visit our About us section.

Int J Nanomedicine. 2021 Mar

9;16:1977-1992. doi:

10.2147/IJN.S276301. PMID: 33727810; PMCID: PMC7955784.