We employ the new concept that uses functional foods hand in hand with standard pharmacological therapies (conceptualized in the term “pharma-nutrition”). Therefore, our research interests focus on nutraceutical link between medical nutrition and pharmacology as well as the nutritional programming of immune defense against diseases. We are reviewing the impact and effects of natural products and functional/medical foods (nutritional programming) on disease management, specifically focusing on diseases related to inflammation and immunity, cardiovascular, cancer, cachexia, allergy, and cognitive disorders. These ongoing researches highlight the molecular characteristics of food ingredients towards clinical effectiveness and relevance.

Dr Tewfik’s involvement in several nutrition intervention programmes is through her capacity as quality control scientist, analysis of plant based raw material and formulated products e.g. Active ingredients and nutrients using instrumental analysis e.g. HPLC, GC, GC/LC – MS, Atomic Emission Spectroscopy. Additionally, She has carried out extensive quality control applications for herbal medicine products (tinctures, powdered extracts, etc.), nanoparticles encapsulating natural functional ingredients. These quality control applications included: bioassay guided fractionation of herbal medicines, activity assays and toxicity bioassays, which she has developed, and employ on human cell line.

We are committed to all standards that apply in both research and diagnostic laboratories, such as good laboratory practice (GLP), quality control (QC) (ISO 9001& 9002, HACCP), quality assurance (QA), health and safety (H&S) and COSHH (Microbiology, Chemistry & Radiology).as well as the declaration statement of Helsinki by the World Medical Association (WMA) with regard to ethical principles for medical research involving humans